
The Glass Penthouse

The Glass Penthouse

The Glass Penthouse is a 6,500 square foot private residence currently for sale or rent in the East Village, designed by former CEO of HBO Michael Fuchs. On October 14, at an event displaying the spectacular architecture of the penthouse, Fuchs explained how his vision for this residence was similar to his philosophy for HBO when it was an emerging media company: be different.

The apartment was renovated drastically into the modern haven it is today, with part of the second floor being removed to allow for the opening to the skylight roof. Fuchs wanted to escape the feeling of being boxed in, leading to the beautiful glass ceiling that spans the living space, as well as a roof terrace and patio on each side of the penthouse. This renovation occurred at a historic moment of architectural change in the East Village and was a thrilling challenge.

Over the years, Fuchs has hosted legendary Oscars parties at the Glass Penthouse, with at a point there being more Hollywood studio heads in that penthouse than back in Hollywood! This includes being the place for the after-party celebrations for the 1995 Forrest Gump Academy Award winnings. 

Aysha Saeed, creative director of fashion brand AYSHA NY included a presentation of her latest designs, some of which have been inspired by the Glass Penthouse. Live violin music and tequila cocktails by Lebron James’ Lobos 1707 set the scene for experiencing the incredible residence that is The Glass Penthouse. 



The Viennese Opera Ball "The Golden Age"

The Viennese Opera Ball "The Golden Age"