InvitedNYC pieces are inspiring, honest, engaging, personal, and community-oriented. We’d love to read your personal essay or feature piece on topics related to the events you attend or interesting things that interest you around New York City. InvitedNYC tells it like it is. This especially applies to reviews. We are not sales-y or overly promotional. We also use facts to back up our arguments, especially when writing about serious or controversial topics.
Our internships are unpaid, but you will have amazing opportunities to network and experience wonderful events all around NYC.
InvitedNYC’s audience is primarily people in the tri-state area who are 18-35 years old (though we are always looking for pieces that can help us expand this reach!) who span the globe — both in origin and current location. Our audience are seeking new people to meet, exciting/fun events, and spreading the words of whats hot and not around NYC. InvitedNYC’s audience is more interested in local activities than tourist attractions, and many readers are bloggers themselves.