Matter of Taste Wine Tasting
Wine Tasting
Imagine being on the 36th floor of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, overlooking central park and sipping some of the finest wines in the world. Sound like a unlikely scenario? That's exactly what guests got at the Matter of Taste presented by Robert Parker's Wine Advocate. With more than 180 wines all of which are rated RP 90 points and higher, I entered into wine heaven.
The wines at this event were carefully selected by esteemed wine advocates including Robert Parker Jr. himself, who is considered one of the world's foremost wine critics. Wines were imported from all over the world but we also had some of the finest from our backyards. I naturally went to all the 100 RP rated wines first, and they were just spectacular. There is an art to wine tasting; I had to see the color and texture of the wine, smell the wine, and then finally taste it.
Cayuse God Only Knows
Of all the wines I tasted, ironically my favorite one was not RP rated 100. I could not get a picture of it, but it was a 2012 Cayuse Vineyards God Only Knows Grenache (RP 96). The Cayuse was a little bit bitter, which is just how I liked my wine.
The Crowd at Mandarin Oriental
More and more people were coming into the tasting. It did not surprise me at all how friendly they were after having sipped on wine for few hours.
After trying most all of the wines, I had to slow down and put some food in my system. The tasting took care of that with this amazing spread of cheese and prosciutto. Overall, I really enjoyed the event. It is definitely worth attending if you have not done a wine tasting. I know most people would not taste the difference between a $5 dollar wine and a $5,000 wine, but this event will change the way you see, smell, and taste wine.
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