The Tunnel
608 West 28th Street
Come and see what over 200,000 people nationwide have enjoyed! This is the 9th Annual PORK-OUT in the Big Apple. What is it?!?!? A down-home, Southern-fried, good time… to support your inner Redneck! Let’s Put A Little South in Your Mouth.
Get ready to enjoy all those pleasures that true Southerners live by – Beer, Bourbon, Barbeque, Bacon, Biscuits and Bluegrass! It’s a great day of beer sippin’, bourbon tastin’, music listenin’, cigar smokin’, and barbeque eatin’. Your admission buys you a sampling glass so you can enjoy an ALL-YOU-CARE –TO-TASTE sampling of beer and bourbon.
Session 1: Noon – 4pm
The Bacon & Biscuit Tasting Session: $109
Session 2: 5:30 – 9:30pm
The Whole Hog Pig Pickin’ Session: $99
Session 3: Noon – 9:30pm
The Grand Poobah BBQ in ‘Merica Session: $229